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new redirect for blender.org bpy docs.

http://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_current/ As of 10/11 november 2015 we can now link to the current api docs and not be worr...

May 31, 2015

Scripted Cyclic Curve

Have received several questions about this, I'll let the code speak.
import bpy  
import math
from math import cos, sin, pi
from mathutils import Vector  

tau = 2 * pi
w = 1 

num_points = 50
amp = lambda i: 5 if (i % 2) else 7
pos = lambda f, i: f(i/num_points*tau) * amp(i)
listOfVectors = [(pos(sin, i), pos(cos, i), 0) for i in range(num_points)]  
def MakePolyLine(objname, curvename, cList):  
    curvedata = bpy.data.curves.new(name=curvename, type='CURVE')  
    curvedata.dimensions = '3D'  
    objectdata = bpy.data.objects.new(objname, curvedata)  
    objectdata.location = (0, 0, 0)
    polyline = curvedata.splines.new('NURBS')  
    for num in range(len(cList)):  
        polyline.points[num].co = (cList[num])+(w,)  
    polyline.order_u = len(polyline.points)-1
    polyline.use_endpoint_u = True
    polyline.use_cyclic_u = True    
MakePolyLine("NameOfMyCurveObject", "NameOfMyCurve", listOfVectors)