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new redirect for blender.org bpy docs.

http://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_current/ As of 10/11 november 2015 we can now link to the current api docs and not be worr...

July 09, 2011

Monster Renderer (tile / region rendering)

i have since updated this script. read about it



usage note:
- filename won't update until you restart blender (Working on it! You can still modify by hand)

installation note:
- place monster_tile_renderer_2.py in your scripts/addons directory
- the addon will appear in the 'render' addons list.

for autostitching i wrote a tool, it uses and older version of Python 2.6/7 because PIL image library is used for stitching. Auto_Stitcher Download.py
# GPL2 license - code by Dealga McArdle (zeffii) 2011 july 12
1) stick the output of Monster Tile Renderer in a folder.
2) set the path variable to that folder  ('..fullpath/stitching/files/')
3) run the script.


# stitching your images, get py 2.6/2.7 and get PIL
import os
import re
import PIL
from PIL import Image

output_format = 'PNG'
path = '/home/zeffii/stitching/files2/'
os.chdir(path) # set this folder active

mycurdir = os.getcwdu()
filelist = os.listdir(mycurdir) # lists content (supposed to be images only!)
filelist = sorted(filelist)

stitchlist = []
for i in filelist:
    strname = str(i[:])
    filepath = path+strname
    # disect filename, get dimensions
    db = Image.open(filepath)
    match = re.search('\_(\d+\_\d+)\.', filepath)
    match_str = ""
    if match.group() != None:
        match_str = match.group(1)
        print("use filenames like yourfilname_col_row.ext")
        print("then, if still issues, check the directory for uncommon characters")

    col_row = tuple(match_str.split("_"))
    col_row = [int(dimension) for dimension in col_row]
    # store as tuple, tuple, string
    stitch_up = (tuple(col_row), db.size, filepath)

# stitchlist items are ((column,row),(x, y), '/path/full_including_extension')
rows = stitchlist[-1][0][0]
columns = stitchlist[-1][0][1]

# there has to be neater way to generate a multidimensional list with elements 
# that don't all point to the same place in memory
main_matrix = []
for i in range(rows):
    minor_matrix = []
    for m in range(columns):

# temporary
for entry in stitchlist: 
    main_matrix[entry[0][0]-1][entry[0][1]-1] = entry[1]
# get composite dimensions
px_wide = sum([i[0][0] for i in main_matrix])
px_high = sum([i[1] for i in main_matrix[0]])
print("px_wide", px_wide, " px_high", px_high)

# permanent
for entry in stitchlist: 
    main_matrix[entry[0][0]-1][entry[0][1]-1] = entry

comp_image = Image.new('RGB', (px_wide, px_high))

ypos = 0
xpos = 0
current_height = 0
current_width = 0
for col in main_matrix:
    ypos = 0
    #do top to bottom
    for row in col:
        ymp = Image.open(row[2])
        current_width = row[1][0]
        current_height = row[1][1]
        ymp = ymp.crop((0,0,current_width, current_height))
        comp_image.paste(ymp, (xpos,ypos))
        ypos += current_height
    xpos += current_width

comp_image.save(path+"composited.png", format=output_format)