# GPL 2 License 2011 Dealga McArdle July 12
import math
CMINCH = 0.393700787 # 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inch
INCHCM = 2.54 # 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
# or whatever your machine can handle comfortably
largest_tile_dimension_wide = 1000
largest_tile_dimension_high = 1000
def get_pixels(mode, width, height, DPI):
Takes realworld width, height and DPI to produce raster equivalent
arguments : Description
mode : (string) ['CM','INCH'], prepares functions for input values
width : (float) or int value for the real world measurement
height : (float) or int value for the real world measurement
DPI : (int) to declare what DPI you are aiming for.
returns : by valid input:
cells_wide, cells_high, total_px_width, total_px_height
by invalid input: returns None
if mode == 'CM':
width_in_inches = width*CMINCH
height_in_inches = height*CMINCH
elif mode == 'INCH':
width_in_inches = width
height_in_inches = height
print("mode must be 'INCH' or 'CM'")
return None
print("width", width, "x height", height, mode, "| DPI", DPI)
if mode == 'CM':
print("width", width_in_inches,"(inches)")
print("height", height_in_inches, "(inches)")
print("\nat", DPI, "DPI that gives: ")
# [ ] todo verify if rounding up here is cool
w_in_px = width_in_inches*DPI
h_in_px = height_in_inches*DPI
w_in_px = math.floor(w_in_px)
h_in_px = math.floor(h_in_px)
print("Width", w_in_px,"px. Height", h_in_px, "px")
# determine number of tiles wide / high
cells_wide = math.ceil(w_in_px / largest_tile_dimension_wide)
cells_high = math.ceil(h_in_px / largest_tile_dimension_high)
px_wide_per_tile = math.floor(w_in_px / cells_wide)
px_high_per_tile = math.floor(h_in_px / cells_high)
print(cells_wide, "tiles wide, at", px_wide_per_tile, "px wide")
print(cells_high, "tiles high, at", px_high_per_tile, "px high")
return cells_wide, cells_high, w_in_px, h_in_px
get_pixels('INCH', 100, 240, 300)
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